Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Grad school vs. career

At this point in my life, everyone my age has made a huge decision. They either are part of the work force or going to grad school. The unfortunate thing about this is there is a huge rift between these two life choices. My boyfriend told me a story of how he was talking to someone who, when he asked what he did, got really sheepish and told him he was in grad school. Joseph of course then told him he was in med school and the conversation became happy again. It's annoying. Why can't both be acceptable life choices to each other?

In discussing this with others, there are a lot of reasons for discomfort on either end. Some in grad school feel like they are missing out as they watch all their friends have money, and they feel weird when people make a big deal that they are going to be a doctor, yet they also feel entitled because they will one day be making more money. Some in the work force feel bad about themselves for not continuing their education and know that those in grad school will be in a better financial position in 10 years yet they feel like real people and look down on those who are still in school wasting money.

It seems to me like a grass is greener sort of thing. You made your decision, others made theirs, so just stick to it and hold your head high. And the decisions that others have made are no better or worse than yours, just different. No one should have to feel lesser or more for it.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Criteria for admission: Should be able to talk on phone

The updating hasn't been as much as I'd like. I'll try harder.

Anyway, today's entry will focus on awkward medical students. Yes folks, they exist. Sure they come out better on the other end of medical school than they went in, but for the most part will still be pretty awkward doctors. For example:

Dr. Psychiatrist: I need someone to call Mr. Crazy's landlord and find out if he is, in fact, getting evicted or having issues with his housing situation.
Student Bob: I'll do it.
Student Jake: Okay make sure you introduce yourself, explain who you are, who you work for, and why you would like this information. I would even say Dr. Psychiatrist's name.
Student Bob: Yeah, yeah.

Ring ring
Landlord: Hello?
Student Bob: (REALLY loudly) Hello? Hi. Hi. Uuhhhhhhhhh. Do you have, ummmm, a tenant named Mr. Crazy? I was wondering if you could just tell me a little bit about him....and......what you know.
Student Jake: Tell him who you are!!
Student Bob: Oh yeah, uhhhh, I'm sorry. Let me start over. Um. I'm a medical student from This Hospital. Can you tell me about Mr. Crazy?